Top 5 Tuesday: Cozy Fall Reads

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekely post created and hosted by the lovely Shannah at Bionic Book Worm. She’s an abslute sweetheart and her blog is amazing so make sure to check out her blog if you haven’t yet!

This week’s topic is Top Five Cozy Fall Reads!

Misfit City Vol. 1 by Kirsten Smith, Kurt Lustgarten and Naomi Franquiz

Misfit City

I read this a couple of months ago for my pirate project and this has the perfect fall vibes for me. It’s an incredibly underrated graphic novel that’s basically The Goonies with an all female cast that it’s aso incredibly diverse in terms of sexuality, race and body type. 

The reason it’s the perfect fall read is because it’s set in kind of a creepy town, you’re following this group of friends as they get inside abandoned houses, cementaries and caves all while trying to run from some pissed out adults who want the treassure map this girls own.

You can read my review here!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber caraval.jpg

This ya-fantasy novel has the perfect magical circus setting to read on a cozy fall night. The atmosphere once again is one of this book’s best features and it screams fall to me.

I’ve actually been thinking of rereading this one this fall since I have yet to read it’s sequel, Legendary, that came out earlier this year.

The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

el principe de la niebla.jpg

While the rest of the world was obsessed with Harry Potter when they were like, 10 years old, I was here in Spain rereading until my eyes bled this little middle grade book, a.k.a. one of my favorite books of all time. 

This has to be the spookiest book I’ve read. It features a small fishing village, a lot of myst, a family that just moved to a hunted house that has a cementery as a backyard, very creepy statues in said cementery, one of them of an even creepier clown and an old legend. If you haven’t read this one, pleeeeeeeeease pick it up!

The Invisible Guardian by Dolores Redondo


I don’t know about you, but a magical realism, mystery-thriller novel sounds just like the perfect read for the fall.

This is one of my favorite series of all time, once again by a spanish author but translated into english. It’s set in the spanish’ forest and you follow an inspector while she’s trying to solve the gruesome murder of young girls from a small village. The magic interwined in the story makes this one of the most brilliant and captivating stories I’ve read and the intersting plot has you hooked all throughout the series.

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson


Even this cover looks like fall.

This is a story that features the Autumn fae prince as one of the main characters, so there’s actuall proof that this is the perfect time to pick this one up.

I loooved the setting and atmosphere, do you see a theme with my choices?, and the mischevious fae, magical creatures and vivid characters make this a wonderful choice to read in the next few months.

You can read my review here!

Have you read any of my choices? Do we have any in common? What do you recommend? Let me know!

Until next time,


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